Sunday, January 27, 2008

Leafs Season Week 14 in Review- Season 1 Episode 15

Win, Loss, Win , Loss

If that pattern continues the sad but new managed Leafs will definitely NOT make the playoffs for the 3rd year in a row! They need to be a little more like this; Win, Win, Win, Win, Loss, Win Win, Win, Loss, etc....This week the gents are graced by the return presence of Dave and we get more emails from his adoring fans (family and close friends). He has a lot to say, but it's mostly criticism of our last show sans him, sigh. Huge news in Leaf Land with the slow painful assassination of J.F.J and his replacement by The Silver Fox. No, not some super hero G.M but rather a 73 year old man, Cliff Fletcher. Is he going to REALLY be in charge or does he have Richard Peddie's hand up his ass, and no, that is not a gay reference but rather a puppet-ventrilaquist one. Next week we hope to have Fred Patterson joining us in studio so keep listening and thanks for your support.

From the, "No Hand Up the New G.M's Ass Please Club" (N.H.U.N.G.M.A.P.C) and the gents at Leafs Central... at Lunch!

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