Sunday, October 19, 2008

Leafs Season Week 1 in Review - Season 2, Episode 005

Welcome to an episode of firsts.
This week we get our first live caller, albeit may have been a crank call, it was still a doozie! We made first contact with our west coast correspondent James, Dan appears in 2 consecutive shows and Chris missed his first show ever after 30 straight shows! In this episode the guys discuss the shocking news of Cheraponov`s premature death and the not so shocking news of Hollwegs second upcoming suspension of the season. They also talk about Peca (the according to Dave: Superstar!) and his suspension for abuse of the official. James gives us the straight poop about the Canucks and Luongo`s captaincy. To finish it off in style Wayne performs an abortion on the Wayne`s Word segment, that`s right, not just the word, but the ENTIRE segment. Tune in next week live on Talkshoe for more of the straight poop and abortions galore!

From the Van Dam`s at Leafs Central... at Lunch!

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